1. Biblical Authority for faith and practice. We accept only the Bible as our authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe the Word of God, the Bible is complete and it solely, "...is given of by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God many be perfect, thoroughly furnished (equipped) unto all good works." (II Timothy 3:16-17). We reject that God is giving supposed "new" Revelation, believing that God forbids any adding to or taking away of the canon of Scriptures. (Rev. 22:18-19).

2. Saved, Baptized Membership. We believe the church is to be made up of saved baptized believers. Baptist reject the baptism of infants flatly! The church is made up of Baptized believers only. (Acts 2:41-42) An infant is not capable of believing, and is protected by the Grace of God until the age of accountability. Further, only those who have made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ and trusted in Him as their Savior is a member of the body of Christ, and thus can be a member of the body of Christ on earth, the local New Testament church.

3. Two Ordinances or Commands from Jesus Christ:
Believer's Baptism: The baptism by immersion of one who has already confessed publicly of their faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. It serves to publicly declare the believer's identification with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection, portrayed by the baptism. Believer's Baptism excludes infants or others who cannot express their faith in Christ as their Savior.
The Lord's Supper - Communion: The regular gathering of believers in Jesus Christ, to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. It serves as a constant reminder of the price of our salvation and encourages believers to keep in right relationships with Christ and other believers, in order to participate.

4. Autonomy of a local church. Simply stated the Scriptures gives no higher authority than the local congregation of born again, baptized believers. We believe that the local church is to be governed by the Word of God, and the local church does not need, or does the Scripture teach that the local body rests under the authority of any earthy group. It is a group unto itself, under the authority of God, and solely responsible unto Him for its conduct, direction and affairs. Jesus in Rev. 2:6,15, that he "hated" the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes. The group of heretics in the early church along with other doctrinal errors promoted a clerical hierarchy in the church.

5. The Priesthood of the believer. The Scripture teaches that every believer can without the aid of priests or churchmen go, "boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace in the time of need". (Hebrews 4:16) The Scripture states further in Hebrews 10:19, "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus." The believer does not needed a priest or a church to intercede on their behalf to God. The believer can boldly, by the fact of being washed in the blood of Christ, instantly be in contact with God by simple prayer, and further can bring his petitions or requests for forgiveness of sins directly to God himself. (I John 1:19) No church has the authority to forgive sins or grant intercession to God.

6. Religious freedom. Sometimes we refer to this as "freedom of conscience." We believe that every person is responsible to God for his/her own religious beliefs and practices. Therefore, they should have the right to worship God as their own convictions and conscience dictate.

7. Separation of Church and State. Jesus said to "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's." Further the Scripture says "what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion that light with darkness?" No power on earth is higher than God's Word, and the church should not be in any way yoked with the state, or controlled by it. We support the rightly appointed authority of government over us and pray for them that we live our lives in peace.

ECB of Russia


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